-Just in time for the weekend...our answers to your questions. Enjoy!
Irena Iličević: The best thing about your aliens?
Tom: That they always support Tom! Ha!
Bill: No honestly, it's crazy how much support we get from our Alien Family! They're always there, support us in every situation or vote for us in all the competitions....
We haven't released a record in a long time and their loyalty means the world to us! We can't wait to get back on the road, play concerts and have a good time with everybody!
Rubi Rose: G's, what have you done in the last 2-3 years while the twins were in LA?
Georg: We took a break too, enjoyed life and spent time with family and friends. Of course we worked on the record in between, flew to LA, hung out with the twins and did many studio sessions.
Gustav: Yeah, we needed the break but it's time to get back on the road with the guys now.
Sakib Sakic: Say something about the new upcoming album. Will you keep up with your old sound or something new?
Tom: It'll be absolutely epic! We have really spent a lot of time in the studio, worked hard to take the next step with the production and wrote so many songs.
Everything feels great. I feel that the break was really important for us as artists.
Bill: Of course you'll hear the typical Tokio Hotel sound, but I guess a lot of songs will be surprising for everybody!
I love it!
Nemo∞: If you could learn any language what would it be?
Tom: Mmm... I guess Georch would like to learn Greek since it's his favourite sex practice! Ha ha,
I think I would like to learn Spanish.
Bill: I would pick Italian.
Gustav: Mmm...
Georg: Gustav you should learn some German!
Gustav: I’d choose Russian! I already know some so it's not as difficult!
Georg: Ok, I would choose French!
Irena Iličević: The best thing about your aliens?
Tom: That they always support Tom! Ha!
Bill: No honestly, it's crazy how much support we get from our Alien Family! They're always there, support us in every situation or vote for us in all the competitions....
We haven't released a record in a long time and their loyalty means the world to us! We can't wait to get back on the road, play concerts and have a good time with everybody!
Rubi Rose: G's, what have you done in the last 2-3 years while the twins were in LA?
Georg: We took a break too, enjoyed life and spent time with family and friends. Of course we worked on the record in between, flew to LA, hung out with the twins and did many studio sessions.
Gustav: Yeah, we needed the break but it's time to get back on the road with the guys now.
Sakib Sakic: Say something about the new upcoming album. Will you keep up with your old sound or something new?
Tom: It'll be absolutely epic! We have really spent a lot of time in the studio, worked hard to take the next step with the production and wrote so many songs.
Everything feels great. I feel that the break was really important for us as artists.
Bill: Of course you'll hear the typical Tokio Hotel sound, but I guess a lot of songs will be surprising for everybody!
I love it!
Nemo∞: If you could learn any language what would it be?
Tom: Mmm... I guess Georch would like to learn Greek since it's his favourite sex practice! Ha ha,
I think I would like to learn Spanish.
Bill: I would pick Italian.
Gustav: Mmm...
Georg: Gustav you should learn some German!
Gustav: I’d choose Russian! I already know some so it's not as difficult!
Georg: Ok, I would choose French!
-Justo a tiempo para el fin de semana ... nuestras respuestas a sus preguntas. Enjoy!
Irena Iličević: La mejor cosa acerca de sus extraterrestres?
Tom: Eso siempre apoyar Tom! Ha!
Bill: No, honestamente, que es una locura la cantidad de apoyo que recibimos de nuestra familia Alien! Siempre están ahí, nos apoyan en cada situación o votar por nosotros en todas las competiciones ....
No hemos lanzado un disco en mucho tiempo, y su lealtad lo es todo para nosotros! No podemos esperar a volver a la carretera, el juego conciertos y pasar un buen rato con todo el mundo!
Rubi Rose: G, ¿qué has hecho en los últimos 2-3 años, mientras que los gemelos estaban en LA?
Georg: Nos tomamos un descanso también disfrutó de la vida y pasó un tiempo con la familia y los amigos. Por supuesto que hemos trabajado en el registro de por medio, voló a Los Ángeles, estuvo con los gemelos y lo hizo muchas sesiones de estudio.
Gustav: Sí, necesitamos el descanso, pero es hora de volver a la carretera con los chicos de ahora.
Sakib Sakic: Di algo sobre el próximo álbum nuevo. ¿Va a continuar con su viejo sonido o algo nuevo?
Tom: Va a ser absolutamente épica! Realmente hemos pasado mucho tiempo en el estudio, trabajó duro para dar el siguiente paso con la producción y escribí tantas canciones.
Todo se siente muy bien. Creo que la ruptura fue muy importante para nosotros como artistas.
Bill: Por supuesto, usted oirá el sonido típico de Tokio Hotel, pero creo que un montón de canciones será sorprendente para todo el mundo!
¡Me encanta!
Nemo ∞: Si usted puede aprender cualquier idioma ¿cuál sería?
Tom: Mmm ... Supongo Georch gustaría aprender griego, ya que es su práctica sexual favorita! Ja, ja,
Creo que me gustaría aprender español.
Bill: Me gustaría recoger italiano.
Gustav: Mmm ...
Georg: Gustav usted debe aprender un poco de alemán!
Gustav: yo escogería ruso! Ya sé un poco de lo que no es tan difícil!
Georg: Bueno, yo elegiría francés!
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