lunes, 17 de febrero de 2014

Lykan BTK (Illustrations of Bill and Tom Kaulitz)**facebook

Dear amazing Aliens:

I was worked in this pic just for all you, guys. Was very fast, sorry,because you now, I haven't to much time. I'm with another projects but i needed to thank your AWESOME help on Twitter for get my TH follow. So, I wa...Ver más
 — con Angelika Komenda yBarbulescu Alina-mihaela.
Queridos Aliens sorprendentes: 

Yo estaba trabajado en esta foto justo para todos ustedes, chicos. Fue muy rápido, lo siento, porque ahora, no tiene mucho tiempo. Estoy con otros proyectos, pero que necesitaba para agradecer su ayuda increíble en Twitter para conseguir mi seguimiento TH. Por lo tanto, I wa ... Ver más - estafa Angelika Komenda y Barbulescu Alina-mihaela

Foto: Dear amazing Aliens:

I was worked in this pic just for all you, guys. Was very fast, sorry,because you now, I haven't to much time. I'm with another projects but i needed to thank your AWESOME help on Twitter for get my TH follow. So, I wanted to thank my way this, with a drawing :) Here, Bill and Tom make a heart for you, guys.

Hope you like this and again...THANK YOU SO MUCH!

(I have read all the comments in the last pic. Where great read you ;) )

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