martes, 31 de julio de 2012

blog tokiohotelaliensspain

4 razones diferentes por las que el 31 de julio es un dia importante en la existencia de TOKIO HOTEL ❤

2008 – A message from Tokio Hotel.
Read it here:

2010 — a) Press Conference, interviews

b) MTV World Stage Malaysia 2010 - Kuala Lumpur
MTV World Stage 2010 featuring Katy Perry, Tokio Hotel, Wonder Girls and our local boys Bunkface. They all performed in the same night at Sun way Lagoon Resort in Malaysia! Tokio Hotel sang "Noise", "Human Connect to Human", "Hey you", "Automatic", "Dark side of the Sun", "Screamin'", "Monsoon", "World Behind My Wall"(The boys ended the song with a rain of fireworks ), "Zoom Into Me" and "Forever Now".

2011 — Paparazzi caught the twins in LA, California.



2008 - Un mensaje de Tokio Hotel

2010 - a) Conferencia de prensa, entrevistas

b) MTV World Stage en Malasia 2010 - Kuala Lumpur
MTV World Stage 2010 con Katy Perry, Tokio Hotel, Wonder Girls y nuestros chicos locales Bukface. Todos ellos actuaron la misma noche en ¡Sunway Lagoon Resort en Malasia! Tokio Hotel cantó "Noise", "Human Connect to Human", "Hey you", "Automatic", "Dark side of the Sun", "Screamin'", "Monsoon", "World Behind My Wall" (Los chicos finalizaron la canción con una lluvia de fuegos artificiales),  "Zoom Into Me" y "Forever Now".

2011 - Los paparazzi pillaron a los gemelos en LA, California.


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